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Health Care Flexible Spending Account

What is a health FSA?
A health FSA covers a wide range of health-related expenses such as copays, deductibles and for medical dental and vision.

Who can I use my Health Care FSA funds on?
An eligible dependent is defined as a person of any age for whom you can legally claim as a dependent on your federal income taxes.

Does my dependent have to be enrolled on my health plan in order to be eligible to use my Health FSA funds?
No. Your dependent does not have to be enrolled on your heath plan to be an eligible dependent for your health care FSA.

When is my healthcare FSA available to me and how do I know how much is available?
The entire amount of your election is made available to you on the first day, when your coverage period starts. You can check your balance by registering at www.my.wexhealthcard.com. Your ID number is your SSN.

Can I pay for a service I received last year with my current years Health FSA funds, even if I only just received the bill?
No. Prior plan year expenses are prohibited by the IRS regardless of when you received the bill. (Example: If you received medical services in 2023 and did not receive a bill until 2024, you would not be able to use your 2024 funds to pay that bill.)

Can I purchase large quantities of OTC drugs and medicines?
Reasonable quantities of OTC drugs can be purchased for existing or imminent medical conditions. If large quantities are required for the treatment of an existing medical condition, a letter of medical necessity is required indicating the diagnosed medical condition.

Are health maintenance fees for physician practices eligible for reimbursement from my Health FSA?
No. Only expenses for services actually provided/incurred are eligible for reimbursement from your Health Care FSA.

When do I have access to my rollover funds?
The first day after the run-out period for the previous plan year.

Can I change my Health Care spending account election mid-year?
Generally, no. However, there are certain life events that permit you to increase or decrease your Health FSA election. (Examples include: marriage, divorce, birth or death.)

Why may I be asked to provide documentation for a Wex payment card purchase?
Federal regulations require that SAS obtain itemized receipts for transactions that are not automatically substantiated at the point of sale. Card transactions can be automatically substantiated without additional paperwork if they are:
• Copayment amounts tied to your health plan.
• Transactions that match the provider and dollar amount exactly for previously approved transactions
• Purchases made at merchants using the Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS)

In the event a charge does not meet these three criteria, SAS will send three requests for documentation. These requests are generally sent five days, 20 days and 45 days after the date of purchase and will cease once documentation has been received.

Should a charge remain unsubstantiated 60 days after the date of the card transaction, the benefits payment card will be placed in a temporary hold status. The payment card will be reactivated as soon as the necessary documentation has been received to substantiate the expense.

What happens to my FSA if I terminate employment?
Participation in the FSA ends if you terminate employment. This means only expenses incurred prior to the date your participation in the plan ends is eligible for reimbursement. Claims for expenses incurred prior to the plan termination date must be submitted within the “run-out” period.

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account

What is Dependent Care?
A Dependent Care FSA is a pre-tax benefits account used to pay for eligible services such as daycare, after school care or summer day camps (no overnights) while you work. The funds are available as they accrue through premium payment starting the first day coverage begins.

Who is a qualifying dependent?
An eligible dependent is defined as child under the age of 13 or a person of any age for whom you can claim as a dependent on your federal income taxes and who is mentally or physically incapable of self-care.

Does my dependent have to be enrolled on my health plan in order to be eligible for Dependent Care reimbursement?
No. Your dependent does not have to be enrolled on your heath plan to be an eligible dependent for your dependent care FSA.

Can I use my Dependent Care funds for my dependent’s medical expenses or private school tuition?
No. Dependent Care FSA funds can only be used for eligible services such as daycare or after school care while you work. Academic tuition is not an eligible expense.

What information do I need to obtain from my dependent care provider in order to file a claim?
You will need to provider a receipt or account register that includes the amount paid, service dates, the name of the care giver or care facility and Federal Tax ID number.

I had an unexpected medical expense. Can I transfer DCFSA funds to my HCFSA?
No. Funds may not be transferred from your Dependent Care account to your Health FSA to cover unexpected medical expenses.

Does DCFSA have a grace period?
Yes, it does. You have 90 days after the plan year ends on December 31st to file claims against remaining funds for charges incurred during the plan year ending.

Why was my claim not paid in full?
There are two possible reasons why your reimbursement might be delayed. Dependent Care FSA claims are not reimbursed until after the last day of service listed. Your dates of service have not yet passed or you have not contributed enough through premium deduction to your Dependent Care FSA to receive full reimbursement for your claim.

Can I submit for the whole year at once?
Yes. However, it will need to be submitted after the last service date. If the last date is 12/31 of the plan year. The claim cannot be reimbursed until after 12/31. The IRS prohibits reimbursement of future dates.

My spouse and I both elected a DCFSA and our combined election exceeds the maximum $5,000 household limit. Can my DCFSA account be adjusted or canceled so we do not exceed the $5,000 maximum amount?
No, your FSA elections are irrevocable unless you experience a qualifying life event. While you and your spouse will have your total household salary reduced by the amount of your combined elections, you will also probably receive that full amount in reimbursements.

When you prepare your federal taxes during the next calendar year, you need to complete IRS Form 2441, "Child and Dependent Care Expenses" (attached to Form 1040) (PDF) and add the amount in excess of $5,000 back into your income.

However, if you have more than $5,000 in dependent care expenses (effectively paid with after-tax dollars since you added it to your income), you may be able to use that additional amount to claim a dependent care tax credit on the Form 2441. Your excess contribution is not "lost" but can still be used to offset some dependent care expenses. We encourage you to contact your tax advisor if you need further guidance.